What Do Children Learn in a Montessori Primary Preschool Classroom?

Little Genius Montessori is proud to use Dr. Maria Montessori’s method in our preschool classrooms.  Our Primary environments welcome children ages 3 through Kindergarten-age, where they learn using a wide range of hands-on, age-appropriate activities.  Children in the classroom are encouraged to take care of their own personal needs, such as changing their own clothes and cleaning up after themselves.  The goal of a Little Genius Montessori preschool classroom is to create a cooperative learning environment and to encourage positive, social interaction.  The children begin enjoying the process from beginning to end!

At Little Genius Montessori, many children will actually learn to read, write and do arithmetic into the 1,000’s while still in preschool.  They are given the tools to be able to learn in a fun way!  This is a stark contract from the ‘pre-reading and pre-math’ advertised in traditional preschool settings.  The best part is this is is all done with joy and chosen by the children themselves. 

Your child will develop executive function skills (time management, organization, self-control) during their time at Little Genius Montessori.  The materials, along with Grace & Courtesy lessons, guide the children in these skills.  Each preschool child learns independence in caring for themselves and their environment (dressing, cleaning up after meals, taking care of plants).  These meaningful tasks give children at Little Genius Montessori the opportunity to learn these skills with real results – creating a strong sense of self confidence in their abilities & capabilities.

To learn more about Little Genius Montessori’s program and philosophy, schedule a tour today (503) 492-8500!  Little Genius Montessori is currently enrolling infants, toddlers & preschoolers.  


1 thought on “What Do Children Learn in a Montessori Primary Preschool Classroom?”

  1. Preschool is an early childhood program in which children combine learning with play in a program. Preschool is meant to be a place where the child goes happily and learn new things. Their are lost of difference between local and international preschools.

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