At Columbia Gorge Montessori, our toddler programs are designed to empower our children that are mobile to 2 years old that encourages independence, coordination, movement and will.  Our environments are built for engagement while maintaining a balance of challenge and support.  The Teachers are able to assist in helping the child grow by continuously observing each child’s development, needs and activities of choice to follow the child. The classroom is a positive, nurturing and secure setting that encourages the toddler’s development of focus and language.  Our children are exposed to language and are communicated with in a manner that helps develop/promote listening skills including, but not limited to, following two step to three step directions both related and unrelated.  Socialization and functional independence (clothing independence - jackets, shoes and toileting) are continuously practiced in the environments.

Call 503-492-8500 today to schedule a tour and learn more about the Toddler Program!


Our infant program is designed to help babies grow and develop in an environment that is safe and challenging for children 6 weeks until mobile.

At Columbia Gorge Montessori, our Primary preschool program is designed to empower children three years old through Kindergarten.

Here are some other important aspects of our program:


Children at Columbia Gorge Montessori give back to the community throughout the year. One of their favorite community service projects is washing potatoes and wrapping them in tin foil to be baked for the homeless. During the holidays, children can donate pajamas & books to SnowCap for our Annual Read & Dream Drive.


Each child watches the process from seed to bloom. Once the seedling develops enough, the child transfers the seed into a garden area. The responsibility of watering the seed and watching the plant grow gives the child a deeper understanding of the growth process and how they influence the cycle.


Columbia Gorge Montessori offers 4 to 5 days a week; full days (8:30-3:30 p.m.), before care (7:15-8:30 a.m.) and after care (3:30-5:15 p.m.). Also, integrating healthy, nutritional food choices into snacks & meals is an essential part of assisting proper growth for our children.

Call 503-492-8500 today to schedule a tour and see our large outdoor playground (play structures, green grass, sandboxes, a garden and much more!). To learn more about Columbia Gorge Montessori's philosophy, click here. 

Learn more about our mission and values here:


Columbia Gorge Montessori complies with Oregon Immunization Reporting (reported annually). For information about Multnomah County immunization rates, click here, and for Columbia Gorge Montessori immunization rates, click here.